8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of
salvation. 9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:8-9
Hello ILC!
Happy New Year everyone! New years often mean new beginnings for us, as we try to reorganize our lives
to be a little better. After all, that is why we make resolutions. Most resolutions are to make us healthier or for
better time management skills. While these are important, our spiritual lives are even more important. What if our
resolutions this year made us better followers of Christ? What if we resolved to make some small changes to the
most important things in our lives?
“The whole being of any Christian is faith and love. Faith brings the person to God. Love brings the person
to people.” ~ Martin Luther
Just like your body, faith and love are gifts from God, and, just like your body, they can be trained and
strengthened. It just takes a little time, and you will be surprised to see how much you will grow.
For a stronger faith, try prayer and Bible reading. You could also add in listening to Christian music as you
drive. Always remember to begin where you are. If you have no daily practice, start with prayer. A good way to do
this would be to set an alarm on your phone and every time it goes off, stop and pray. It doesn’t have to be long or
eloquent. Just stop and say hi to God. Thank Him for something. Ask for help with something, small or big.
Another great way is to get a devotional book. We have some available for you at the church if you want one! And
if you already have a strong devotional life, try going deeper. Talk with God about what you read that day and ask
Him to explain it further and then re-read the passage. You never know what God will teach you if you just ask!
For stronger love, this takes practice helping others. Start small. Start with your family. Tell your spouse or
kids you love them. Ask if there is anything you can help them with. Take time to stop and pray with each other.
This one will strengthen faith and love simultaneously! Then maybe look for volunteer opportunities that fit into
your schedule. And for those who are super busy, pick people at random throughout the day and say a short prayer
for them. This can be out loud with them (if you are feeling brave) or just to yourself. I guarantee that this will
teach you how to love more.
This year, resolve to strengthen your faith and love. There is hope for you yet!
Peace be with you,
Pastor Caleb