History of the Immanuel Lutheran Church (West Taylor)

The year was 1888. What was happening in the world?

A few famous folks were born that year: Dale Carnegie, J. Frank Dobie, Irving Berlin, Knute Rockne, to name a few. It was the year that Susan B. Anthony organized a Congress for Women’s Rights; the Washington Monument opened to the public; and the Texas Capitol Building $3 million construction project was completed.

In Central Texas, German immigrants had begun to settle the area. According to records kept by individual families, there were a few Lutherans in the Taylor (Taylorsville) area by the late 1870’s. These numbers kept increasing in the 1880’s. In an unsettled land, far different from their former homes, they began making their new home and life. Religion was very important to the people, and trained pastors were scarce. As more settlers moved into the area, pastors from other areas did “missionary” work. They held worship services in homes and later in country schools, performing services including baptizing, confirming and performing marriages.

Immanuel Lutheran Church, also known as “West Taylor”, located on County Road 401, just off of Highway 79, 1-1/2 miles west of Taylor, had its early beginnings as early as 1885, meeting in homes and in Tyler School.  All services were conducted in the German language.  For these services, Pastor Glatzle (the first pastor) received $120 a year.  The Rev. I.J. Glatzle (1854-1921), born in Wurttenberg, Germany, received his theological education in Basel, Switzerland.  He came to Texas in 1883 at the age of 29 and served many of the German-speaking Lutherans of this area.

Organization and Constitution

Under Rev. Glatzle’s guidance, Immanuel Lutheran Congregation adopted a constitution on January 1, 1888, which was signed by fourteen men who agreed to accept financial responsibility and support of the church, thus becoming one of the early Lutheran congregations in Williamson County.  Palm Valley Lutheran Church (Round Rock, TX) began in 1870 and Zion Lutheran Church (Walburg) in 1882.

Charter members were:  Alexander Anderson, August Becker, Karl Brandenburg, Henry Fritz, August Kiesler, Julius Krueger, William Lange, Herman Lantzsch,  August Luedtke, Fred Luedtke, Reinhold Mager, Fred Roeske, John Senkel, John Wuthrich, Sr.

In the original congregation minutes, the charter members offered this prayer:

“But you, oh Lord, and shepherd of your congregation, put your blessings on them.  That this gathered flock here, grow and flourish and be preserved to our eternal blessed life.  Through Jesus Christ. Amen.”

In 1892, Immanuel purchased five acres of land at a cost of $100, which was to be used as a site for a church building and as a place of sepulture.  The first parsonage was built by a Mr. Brieger.  The cost was $480.  Pastor Glatzle became the first resident pastor.  While here, he organized St. John’s congregation in New Bern.  Rev. Glatzle and Rev. John Daude held services once a month, usually making the trip by walking along the railroad or riding horseback.

The construction of a frame church, completed in 1894 at a cost of $1525, was dedicated to the glory of God and to the joy and happiness of all members and friends.

The anniversary publication of St. James at Wuthrich Hill states that Rev. J. Appel served from 1895 until 1901.  The first service was held in the Turkey Creek School house by Rev. J. Appel of McDade.  In 1896, Rev. Appel accepted a call to West Taylor and Wuthrich Hill, and these two congregations agreed to form a parish.


In 1893, the congregation became associated with the “First Lutheran Synod of Texas” which then changed their name to the “Texas District of the American Lutheran Church”.  In 1960, with another merger, Immanuel became a member of the Southern District of The American Lutheran Church (The ALC), followed in 1986 with still another merger, it became a member of the Southwestern Texas Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA).  In 2010, Immanuel Lutheran ended their affiliation with the ELCA and joined Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC).

Adversity and Construction

In the Fall of 1913, some of the Immanuel congregation ladies remarked to their pastor, Rev. Reinhardt, that they would like to see a Ladies’ Aid organization in Taylor.  The group met in mid-October, which led to the organization of a congregation.  Some months later, the ladies were instrumental in starting a Sunday school for the Lutheran children in town.  After the Sunday School started, there was a desire for preaching services occasionally. The Odd Fellows’ Hall was secured as a meeting place and neighboring pastors invited to conduct services twice each month.

Almost a year later, during the fall of 1914, the St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church of Taylor was organized.  At a joint meeting conducted in the West Taylor church on April 2, 1915, Rev. Arthur Hartmann of San Antonio was called as the first pastor of the newly created parish, who assumed pastoral duties by May 1, 1915.

A fire completely destroyed the parsonage in 1915.  Shortly, a new parsonage was rebuilt.  Reverend A.E. and Ella Hartmann were the first to occupy the newly built parsonage and years later, the last pastor & wife to occupy the parsonage.  The building was rented out for several years.  During 2012, the parsonage had structural damage due to the hot, dry weather and the congregation decided to remove the building in lieu of making the costly repairs.

Further adversity followed as on January 1, 1916, fire completely destroyed the sanctuary.  According to circumstantial evidence, the fire was an act of arson.  Mr. W. C. Wuthrich, who was one of the fire fighters, felt that while they were fighting the first blaze, the arsonist was watching and then set the second fire.  However, members were not dismayed.  Services were held under the canopy of heaven and then again in the Tyler School.

On March 12, 1916, St. Paul, Taylor severed its connections with Immanuel, West Taylor and became a self-supporting congregation with Rev. A. Hartmann as their pastor.

During 1916, John Wuthrich drew the plans for the church, parsonage and white altar which preceded the present one.  During June 1916, church leaders decided to sell the old bell, damaged in the fire.  The clear tone bell which replaced it had a very significant part in the worship service, as well as in preparing people for Sunday worship.  The bell has always been used to start and end the worship service, and continues to be a very important and traditional part of the church services.

In early days of the church, the bell was rung on Saturdays so everyone would be reminded of Sunday worship and begin preparing themselves for the Lord’s Day.  The bell also tolled when a member of the congregation died.  Instead of the joyous clear tone people usually heard, the bell was rung in a manner referred to as the “death toll”.  On that day, the bell was tolled once for each year of the member’s life.  On the day of the funeral, if the body was buried in the church cemetery, the “death bell” would toll as soon as the funeral procession came over the railroad tracks.  This tradition is still practiced today.

New Beginnings

On the second Sunday of August 1916, a new Immanuel Lutheran Church building was dedicated to the glory of God.

In 1926, the “language question” became a prominent issue. In two congregational meetings, the records read:

March 25, 1926 – “It was unanimously decided that the service shall remain in the German language.”

October 6, 1929 – The congregation requested that the pastor shall preach in both German and English and shall live in our parsonage.”

Traditions and Gifts

Between 1920 and 1930, the rule was that the men sat on the south pews for church services, the women sat in the north pews and the children sat to the front.  Eventually, the women rebelled against the idea that the men always have the “cooler” side during the summer and the “warmer” side during the winter.  The seating arrangement changed when the old Yakey School was added to the church.

In 1937, the Rural Electrification Project came through the area.  Prior to this time, the church had a carbide lighting system.  An underground tank contained the compound producing gas, which lit the two ceiling lights in the church.  There was a turn key under each light and designated members (A.E. Wendland and Hugo Randig) used a long metal pole to reach the turn key, and then turn on the gas, which was lit with a flame on a pole.

When the lights were installed in the parsonage and church, one disappointment was that the electric company set up a pole in the middle of what was usually the baseball diamond and that hindered baseball playing.

Up until the 1940’s, the only paying church members were the heads of the household, and the only ones allowed to vote in church meetings.  At that time in our church history, women rarely spoke or took part in policy making.

During the 1940’s, the church was heated by a coal heater located in the center of the church.  As the warm weather approached, it was customary for a member and spouse to take down the heater and pipes to store until winter.  A big achievement occurred in 1983, when the church was air-conditioned.

In 1961, the present pulpit and altar were given to the church from St. Paul Lutheran Church of Taylor, Texas.  The altar which was replaced was donated to Swenson Grove Baptist Church, which was located near Norman’s Crossing.

The statue of Jesus was kept by St. Paul’s, so the Louis Anderson family purchased a gold cross to be put in its place.  A few years later, the family of Rev. A. E. Hartman donated the statue of Jesus, which currently adorns the altar.  The metal cross to the left of the altar was donated by Immanuel’s women’s group.

The light fixtures, which hang in the Annex were a gift from the First Taylor National Bank in Taylor.

The only type of communion was the Common Cup; everyone drank the wine from the same silver chalice. Around the mid-60’s, a communion set was purchased that had individual glass cups.  This change was primarily for health reasons.  In approximately 1964, the first speaker system was purchased and installed.

In 1966 it was decided that each family would clean the church and furnish altar flowers for that Sunday.  We now pay someone to clean the church, Sunday School building and members volunteer to donate flowers for church services.

In 1986, Mr. Gilbert Fritz donated land on the south side of the church and in later years, further blessed the church.

Ladies Aid Society

During the tenure of Rev. G. Rapp (1919-1929) the “Ladies Aid Society” was organized.  During the 1940’s, the ladies decided that the church needed a fund raising project and started an annual art work sale and chili supper.  Emma Decker, Mrs. C. G. Stern and Mrs. Fritz Teichelman initiated the first sales held on the north side of the church.  One of the first items raffled was a beautiful butterfly quilt.  The lucky winner was Shirley Teichelman Shay.

Mr. & Mrs. C.G. Stern prepared their wonderful chili at home in a large laundry wash pot and brought it to church for the sale.  Later the ladies moved their sales to the Yakey School.  Disappointedly, they didn’t make enough profit on the chili, so at Mrs. Stern’s suggestion, they changed the menu to a chicken and dressing dinner.  Mrs. Stern said: “Every ladies aid member donate two chickens with dressing; take every bit of the meat off of the chicken and bring it.”  Eventually, the farmers stopped raising chickens, so the annual fundraiser changed to a turkey supper.  When the meal was held at the church, children enjoyed the fish pond, grab bags, etc.

Eventually, the Ladies Aid Turkey Supper became so successful, that the event was moved to the V.F.W. Hall on Hwy. 79 in Taylor, on the third Thursday in October.  Many volunteers and hours were devoted to this annual event.  Delicious pies baked by the church ladies completed the meal and canned goods, handmade crafts and pottery were sold in the “Country Store”. The community enjoyed excellent food, fun and fellowship.

In the 1980’s, a prayer chain was started as a “support system” for individuals with prayer concerns.  Many prayers have been offered through the years and continue to our almighty God.  Prayer chain leaders would initiate the first contact, members on each chain would then call the next individual on the list.  Currently, members have the option to be on the call or email list.

Quilt kits were made and donated to Lutheran World Relief during the 80s.  Entire days were spent quilting, visiting and sharing with one another.  Tray favors and dozens of cookies were sent to Lutheran sponsored nursing homes in the area.

In 1981, WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) made Chrismons, the beautiful white and gold Christmas decorations for the church Christmas tree. Another time for fun, fellowship, sharing and loving took place.

WELCA has supported the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event for many years.  Often times, team members would stay overnight during the event at the Taylor football field.  Again, this was an opportunity for fellowship and fun.

During 2004, Bonnie Kaderka asked the council to consider holding an auction to raise funds to purchase plastic tables/chairs and padded stacking chairs.  Anyone involved with setting up church functions knew the challenges involved with moving heavy tables and chairs.  The council agreed and an annual event began.  Last year, we were able to fund a project to improve the front entrance of the church, which included a handicap ramp.

Annually – church members, family and friends donate homemade and handcrafted items.   Local businesses also contribute items for the auction.  Tickets are sold for chances to win a homemade quilt, gift cards to Walmart, Home Depot and Chili’s.  In previous years, Bonnie Kaderka has recruited Shirley Mundkowsky, Bonnie Gordon and Phyllis Johnson to assist.  We are thankful for all donations, help and generous contributions.

Women of the Word (WOW)

When Immanuel Lutheran changed their affiliation from ELCA to LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ), the Women’s group became Women of the Word (W.O.W).  Their purpose is serving others within the congregation and community.

WOW is comprised of three circles: LOVE, FAITH, AND HOPE.  The group has sponsored projects with Starry (support group for children) and Baptist Children’s Home in Round Rock, conducts weekly bible studies and sponsors a yearly Thanksgiving Meal for the church homebound members.  During 2012, the ladies who met on Wednesday mornings repaired the original Chrismon ornaments and made additional beautiful brightly colored ornaments that depict the Nativity of our Lord. Members provide considerable help with many Live Nativity duties.

For several years the group has participated in a scrapbooking project.  We all enjoy looking at many of the beautiful albums which display church history, special occasions and church activities.

WOW holds monthly Bake Sales on the 1st Sunday and contributes proceeds to church projects and outreach. The group has sponsored ‘Welcome Baby’ showers to introduce new babies in the congregation. An annual women’s retreat and other social gatherings are always popular events.  Members also attend the annual LCMC Women’s Conferences.  All church members are invited to be a part of this fellowship and giving.

“Our Daily Bread” cookbook has been prepared to celebrate the 125th church anniversary (2013).  The cookbook has over 600 recipes from more than 100 members, friends, former members and many recipes submitted in memory of loved ones.

Luther League

During the years of Rev. S.A. Bogisch and Rev. W. Hill (1930-1934), a Luther League was formed.  Three-act plays or dramas were performed during the summers in order to raise money, but primarily for the enjoyment of members, family and friends.

Members enjoyed Christmas caroling, social events (bunco, hayrides, bowling, baseball, etc.) and attending District and National Luther League conventions.

The Annex and Christian Education

In the early days of the church, the only space available for Sunday School classes was in the nave of the church.  The front benches were for one age group, middle benches another group and the very back of the church was the nursery classroom.  From the early 1920’s, rally days were always a part of the annual fellowship events.  No formal adult Sunday School classes existed until the 1940’s.

Confirmation was called German school and lasted two weeks in the summer.  Basically, the curriculum was based on the Bible and the catechism.  Students would walk across the fields west of the church to attend classes.  Later, students drove their family’s horse and one-seated buggy.

Dieanna (Menk) Kieschnick recalls her confirmation examination on March 22, 1959.  Church started at 10:30 a.m. and was not over until 12:45 p.m.  There were eight confirmants who were expected to answer questions from memory.  “What a relief when that was over!”  Oral confirmation examinations continued until the 1960’s.

A long time Sunday School Superintendent, Dorothy Krueger was known to request the song – “Showers of Blessing” during the Sunday School opening during the hottest and driest summers.  In the next week or so, God would provide the much needed rain and prayers of thankfulness were given.

Vacation Bible School was usually held in June and consisted of ten half-day sessions and later, five half-day sessions.  At the end of VBS, students performed a program.  Ruth (Krienke) Bernard remembers gathering with friends, hearing Bible stories, singing and crafts.  Especially, the wonderful homemade cookies and birthday cakes.

Under Rev. Theo Krienke’s direction, a Junior Choir sang favorite hymns and concluded the worship services with “Now Thank We All Our God”.  This was a real blessing as everyone started each new week.

By 1949, due to the need of additional space, the congregation purchased the larger portion of Yakey School and moved it to the premises to serve as an annex for additional seating area and for Sunday School classrooms.

The children’s Christmas program was always held on Christmas Eve.  Several church members planned their Christmas traditions around this annual event.  During the 1960’s, when Pastor Hartman served the congregation, the program was held on the stage in the back of the annex.  Mrs. Ella Hartman had a knack for creating elaborate programs.  She designed and created beautiful costumes with hardly any budget at all.

Church pews were turned around to face the stage and there was a special lighting system.  Edmund Menk installed the row of colored spotlights so each scene would have a different hue for the plays.  Later years, the program was presented in the church and a popular tradition was that the children (members and visitors) received a paper bag or zip lock bag with an apple/orange, package of peanuts and candy.

An addition to the church facilities, located on the north side of the church was begun in October 1979.  A new Christian Education building was dedicated to the Glory of God on October 5, 1980.

During 2009, there was a major renovation of the Sunday School building.  We replaced the roof, added a church office, nursery, storage room and remodeled classrooms and bathrooms. A Christian Education Building rededication service was held on November 8, 2009.  God truly blessed us richly through willing volunteers and talented people who freely shared their gifts on this remodel project.

Christian Education (CE) Program

Beginning in 2002, Pastor Steve Best proposed that the traditional Sunday School be converted to a Wednesday Family Night format with dinner (supper) served at 6:15 p.m. and Christian Education classes at 7:00 p.m. for all age groups.  Pastor Best’s philosophy during this period of time was:  “Don’t tell us why we can’t do something, tell us how we can do it”.  Attendance increased to an average of seventy-five on Wednesdays.  The average remained constant during the 2-1/2 years of the program.  CE leaders, teachers and kitchen help volunteered from both congregations (Immanuel and Prince of Peace).

During this time, there was an enhanced Vacation Bible School and Adult Bible Study Classes.  A strategic alliance was formed with St. Paul’s, Taylor to combine youth programs that would benefit all three congregations; i.e. Immanuel, Prince of Peace and St. Paul’s.  This program yielded good results for the Parish in that for the first time in many years, our small youth group had more opportunities.  Hayrides, excursions and Synod events were part of the expanded program.  In 2003, Tracie Kruger Johnson attended the National Youth Gathering in Atlanta, GA – the first student to do so in many years.  In 2004, Rebecca Rinehart attended a mission project in Monterey, Mexico.

During the summer, children attended summer camps.  A highlight of the parish picnics was to have the children perform skits and songs that they had learned at camp or Vacation Bible School.  The 2002-2003 picnics were held at Granger Lake and later years at Terry & David Ramm’s home (‘The Land’).  The Ramm’s graciously opened their home for many church functions for everyone’s enjoyment.

In mid-2004, Immanuel and Prince of Peace discontinued Wednesday night Christian Education.  Currently, Sunday School classes are held at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings.


Music has always been an important part of worship at Immanuel Lutheran. We have been blessed with two remarkable organists from the Fritz family. Leona Decker Fritz shared her talents as our organist for more than 50 years. She was followed by her daughter-in-law, Sharon Fritz, who is our current instrumentalist, has served in the same position for over 10 years. Sharon has played piano, organ, and now the electronic keyboard as well. Leona honored the congregation on its 100th anniversary by writing the music and lyrics to a special arrangement for that occasion. Rebecca Teichelman Borgne also contributes her instrumental accompaniment for various special music presentations.  Pam Leschber, along with other singers have contributed to special musical arrangements.

In 2003, a music outreach program was formed for parish and community children.  Ron Moulton was hired as the music instructor.  Shortly, a parish choir was formed and music lessons were available for guitar and other instruments.  Parish musicians contributed to worship services through voice and instrumental solos, duets and ensembles.  During May 2005, choir members celebrated Rose Meadow’s 91st birthday and enjoyed recognizing Pam Leschber for singing the National Anthem at the Round Rock Express baseball game.  Several choir members saw the performance on tv.

The music ministry enabled the parish to move to more contemporary worship styles, including Feast and Celebration Liturgy and praise music.

Live Nativity

During 2008, Diana Patschke suggested an idea for a Live Nativity.  “Would need script, someone to tape and narrate, lighting, stable, live animals, hay, costumes, etc.  I envision it could be back behind the church with a semi-circle moving from scene to scene with lights on/off.  Serve desserts and coffee after.  Approximately 30 minutes long and could do two shows a night.  Invite the whole area”.

The seed was planted, the parish council approved the idea and a dedicated group of people got involved.  Wendy Manuel searched the internet and found a site where a church used bales of hay for their nativity set.  This simple set was chosen because of the short amount of time to make it happen.  Jonathan Fritz donated the use of hay bales that were set up behind the church.  The hay bales were divided to make three scenes and there was one large light in the center of these bales that provided lighting for the entire set.  Hand held spot lights were positioned on the individual scenes.  Bonnie Gordon, Irene Schmidt and Connie Moehnke sewed 83 costumes in a month.  Wendy assured us that “We can do this!” She was right!

The setting was humble, but the cast was divine . . . what a perfect way to describe the 2008-2009 Live Nativity productions. Wendy Manuel coordinated the live nativity in 2008-2009. Bonnie Gordon became coordinator in 2010 and continues in this important role.

During 2008, over 115 people participated in some way:  acting, donating fabric, sewing, lighting, construction, parking, mailings, parade driving, animals, organizing, baking, singing, hosting and doing laundry.

God promised us:   “You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”  2 Corinthians 9:11  Megan Anderson, (a Nativity guide) shared an experience that reflected the truth of this passage. She told of going through the drive-through window of StarBucks, on her way to the Nativity.  When she got ready to pay, she was pleasantly surprised to find out that someone had already paid for her order.  This simple “pay it forward” (involves doing something good for someone in response to a good deed done on your behalf or a gift you received) gesture explains how so many people and children volunteer for this outreach ministry.

During 2010, a set was built by David Ramm and Chris Mabry, from discarded wood fencing.  Also, active in providing props were Reuben Patschke family, as well as Terry Ramm.  Robert Rinehart provided electrical needs.  Jonathan Fritz and Cecil Remmert were on call for whatever needs.

In 2011-12, Bethlehem continued to grow.  Bethlehem was a busy town with people walking in the streets.  There was a market, carpenter shop, pottery shop, basket shop and linen shop.  There was also a tax collector and as one family found out . . . if you couldn’t pay your taxes, you were taken to jail.

During 2008-2010, majority of cast members were from Immanuel and Prince of Peace.  Cast members grew to 100 in those three years.  By opening participation in this event to members of several local churches during the last two years and in 2012, there were 128 cast members and support.  Many original cast members participate annually. Special thanks to everyone involved with this event. Space will not allow us to list the names of all those who have made Nativity such a success. Nativity is not only produced by Immanuel, but has become a community event!

During the first couple of years, refreshments (coffee, apple cider, hot chocolate, cookies, breads and fruits) were served.  Visitors were around 500-600 the first couple of years . . later increasing to 1247 visitors, and we discontinued providing refreshments.

On dress rehearsal nights, usually the weekend before Nativity, we allow the nursing home buses or vans to drive thru the set and experience the program.  Even though, the set is not designed as a drive thru presentation, we have tour guides on the bus to give a narration of the scenes and some of the characters board the bus to say their lines.  Golf carts are available during the tours for individuals with special needs. The Live Nativity was held the weekend before Christmas during 2008-2011.  It was changed to the 2nd weekend in 2012 in order to accommodate a rain out date. Visitors are invited into the church to join the choir in singing favorite Christmas carols.  Then, visitors experience a 20 minute free guided tour through Bethlehem.  Monetary and food donations are collected for local charities.  There are also donations for socks and gloves  for homeless people. Mark your calendar . . . . Nativity is always be the second weekend of December – 5:30 = 8:30PM

Bonnie Gordon sums up the live nativity so beautifully, “I believe that God wants all people to know His story and that God’s way of reaching people is through His friends, through us.  Each of us has a personal, shared and nontransferable mission; to make God real and share His grace so that others may know His salvation.”

Stained Glass Windows

Rev. Larry Swidzinski developed the plans for the new windows.  Roxanne Teichelman donated her skills as an artist to do the design work, and Jerry Frankeny shared his expertise and skills of creating stained glass, his favorite hobby.  The entire process took at least a year and a half.  The dedication service for the windows was held on Reformation Sunday – October 26, 1986.

The two-pane style of the original windows was used.  All 14 of the lower panes are of identical design, but the upper portions, while similar to each other, have differing focal points.  Each has a red triangle reminding the worshiper of his faith in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Superimposed on the red triangle is a white circle, the white signifying purity and the grace, mercy and love of God.  The circle speaks of the perfect oneness of God, without beginning and without end.

Within each circle-triangle, symbols of the church are shown.  The bottom portion of each window has as its center a cross with pointed ends for the arms.  Because of the pointed ends, it is called the Passion Cross or the Cross of Suffering.  Around this cross are the lilies.  Lilies are associated with the resurrection.  On the upper most part of the window is the fleur-de-lis.  It is used to symbolize the human nature of the Savior.  Thus, each window captures with strong symbolism the suffering and the resurrection of our Lord.

Sacramental WindowsIn loving memory of: 
Cross and Jesus Windows above the church front doorEwald & Edith Krueger
BaptismBruno & Wilhelmina Lantzsch
Lord’s PrayerRudolph & Augusta Beyer
Conception & BirthJohnny Wuthrich
Suffering (“Crown of Thorns”)Fritz & Minnie Teichelman
Death & BurialWilliam & Hedwig Lantzsch Raesz
ResurrectionTony Soderberg 
AscensionRudolph & Rose Moehnke
JudgmentAlbert E. & Emma Krueger Wendland
God, the FatherElizabeth & Henry Fritz, Sr.
God the SonArnold Leschber family
God the Holy SpiritHerman & Clara Decker; August & Clara Decker
Ten CommandmentsHenry, Annie and Glen Roy Moehnke
The WordRev. Larry Swidzinski & family
The Lord’s PrayerNathan Roznovak; George & Louis Krueger

Historical Marker Dedication

Historical marker dedication service was held on Sunday, April 23, 1995.  Madeline Teichelman provided a wonderful gift in her presentation of church historical information, and Pastors Mariola Bergquist and Ardene Wuthrich presided during the service. The following words appear on this historical marker:

Immanuel Lutheran Church

German immigrants began settling in the new railroad town of Taylor in the 1880s.  Lutheran worship services were held as early as 1885, and the Rev. I.J. Glatzel and fourteen families formally organized this congregation in 1888.  The Rev. Gus Szillat became the church’s first resident pastor when a parsonage was built in 1892.  A frame church building completed in 1894 was destroyed in a 1916 fire, but the congregation soon rebuilt.  Worship services were conducted in the German language until the 1940s.  The church remains a reflection of the town’s ethnic heritage.

Parish Arrangement

On July 5, 1970, after many months of discussion with congregational members and conferences with district representatives, Immanuel joined a three-congregational parish (Zion-Sandoval, Prince of Peace-Wuthrich Hill and Immanuel).  The official parish name was Williamson County Lutheran Parish.  Zion-Sandoval withdrew from the parish in 1971.

Immanuel Lutheran Church and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church were “yoked” together as a parish on October 1, 1971.  In this arrangement, the churches shared a pastor, youth and adult education, social activities and community outreach initiatives.  Rev. Robert Schlott was pastor of the newly formed Parish in 1971 and was instrumental in structuring the relationship.

A 30 year celebration was hosted by the Prince of Peace congregation on October 7, 2001.  Special music was provided by Fred Krueger and Cindy Krueger, along with joint choirs. Pastor Steve Best recognized Louis Menk for serving as the parish treasurer during its 30-year history.  In February 2011, Immanuel Lutheran Church dissolved this parish arrangement and called Pastor Jack Bohls to solely support the congregation.

Immanuel Lutheran Church (West Taylor) Cemetery

Following the church’s organization, the next order of business was to purchase land for a permanent place of worship and a place of sepulture (burial).  On October 20, 1889, just four days after the deed was signed, Minna Roeske, (born 5/16/89) died and was buried in the southeast corner of the cemetery.

The original cemetery consisted of 48 separate lots, divided into 8 rows, with 6 lots in each row and an aisle in the center of the 6 lots.  The east row was used for single grave sites.

During the Twentieth Century, the area continued to grow rapidly and many who were living here moved to different areas.  In the early 1900’s, complete families moved to south Texas, north Texas and some to the west.  Others resettled in central Texas.

ILC experienced a problem with the upkeep of the cemetery since the care of cemetery lots was the responsibility of the families who owned them.  The congregation had custodians who were to be in charge of records, burials and to encourage the upkeep of the cemetery.

In the late 1940’s, with the coming of the power mowers, the care of the cemetery took a drastic change. Reverend Krienke was the pastor of the congregation for nearly ten years. He commuted from his home near Round Rock, and the parsonage was rented to Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Moehnke. His sister, Gertrude Moehnke, donated a gasoline powered push mower. Alvin mowed the church yard and portions of the cemetery. In the later 1950’s, two mowers were purchased by the congregation for use on the church premises and cemetery.

It was also in the 1950’s that a member of the Church Council served as custodian of the cemetery and would oversee burials and sale of grave sites. An individual committee consisting of two persons was elected to be responsible for seeing that the cemetery was kept clean and mowed. They were to solicit help as needed.

In 1971, the congregation approved that the cemetery go on a perpetual care plan. Committee members: Emanuel Lantzsch -chairman, Mrs. Emma Decker, Mrs. Thekla Moehnke, Gus Moehnke, Jr., Fred Krueger and Hugo Beyer contacted all families or their descendants to seek funds to be placed into a Perpetual Care Fund for future use of cemetery care.

On August 7, 1972, the Church Council appointed August Decker, Hugo Beyer, Fred Krueger, Henry Ray Fritz, and Edwin Teichelman to serve as directors of the Cemetery. Cemetery Association members currently serving are:  Chris Fritz (President), Robert Rinehart (secretary); Ric Gordon (treasurer); Kevin Randig, Morgan Wendland.

We extend many thanks and appreciation to all who worked so hard to make the Cemetery Association a reality through the years. We also appreciate everyone who has and continues to give memorials and donations. Without all of you, this would have been impossible.

The Past, the Present, and the Future

We hope this record of the history of our beloved church family will honor those who have come before us. We are a congregation of believers who have rich traditions and a constantly evolving love and understanding of who God has created us to be.

As we have learned to embrace new ideas over the years of our existence, we have grown as a church family. Our church, as all churches, has experienced adversity, and difficult times, but we have survived 125 years of service together. Our descendants will continue in the paths we have laid, and they will be a blessing to future generations. Thanks be to God for all that has been and for what will be!

Pastors – 1888 – 2018

1888-1890        Immanuel J. Glatzle*It is believed that Immanuel Lutheran Church was named after Pastor Glatzle.

John Daude (served as pastor at the same time)

1890-1892        John Doerfler

1892-1895        Ferdinand G. Szillat

1896                   William K. Schumacher

1896-1901        J. Appel

1900                   J. F. Hesemann (visiting pastor?)

1902-1905        Reinhold Carl Schubert                             (possibly1904-05)

1906-1907        Simon Carl Zettner

1908-1912?      August Dziewas

1914?-1915      John Paul Reinhardt

1915-1916        Arthur E. Hartmann

1916-1919        J. J. Weiss

1919-1929        Gottlieb Rapp

1930-1934        Siegfried A. Bogisch

1934-1937        Wilson V. Hill
1937-1943        Johann Friedrich Karl Konzack1944-                 Willard Ander

1944-1946        John Striepe

1946-1956        Theophil Ernst Samuel Krienke

1957-                 E. A. Heye, Interim Pastor

1957-1958        Herber, Interim Pastor

1958-1967        Arthur E. Hartmann

1967-1970        William Flachmeier

1970-1976        Robert E. Schlortt, Jr.

1970-1971        Richard F. Winkelman (assistant to                     Robert Schlortt)

1976-1985        Larry A. Swidzinski

1985-1990        Paul H. Geye, Jr.

1990-1995        Mariola Bergquist

1996-1999        Bill Jones

1999-2001        Gordon Albers, Interim Pastor

2001-2004        Steve Best

2004-2013        Jack (PJ) Bohls

2013-2016         Stan Simonik

2018                   Caleb Bahr

Confirmation Classes

1888 (Pastor Glatzel)Elisa Fritz                                                Ernest Kiesler

Magdalena Fritz                      Selma Lantzsch

Marie Dewald                         Minna Matthys
1890 (Pastors I. J. Glatzle or John Doerfler)Henry Fritz, Jr. Anna Schonerstedt
1892  (Pastor John Doerfler or Gus Szillat)Augusta Anderson (Fritz)


Louis Anderson

Paul Frederick

George Fritz

Emma Teichelman (Tesmer)

Will Wuethrich
1893  (Pastor John Doerfler or Gus Szillat)Bertha Kirschke (Frederick)

Bruno Lantzsch

Hugo Randig

Hattie Schonerstedt (Leschber)

Herman Schonerstedt

Minnie Schonerstedt (Lieberum-Lantzsch)

William Schonerstedt, Jr.

Anna Teichelman (Wuthrich)
1895  (Maybe, Pastor Gus Szillat)Fred Fritz1896  (Pastor Wilhelm Schumacher)Paul Becker

Herman Krueger

Louise Krueger

Otto Krueger

Mary Schonerstedt (Wuthrich)
August 3, 1898  (Pastor Jacob Appel)August Teichelman Otto Teichelman1900 (Pastor Jacob Appel)Fritz Becker

Frederick Wuethrich

Lina Moehnke (Wuethrich)

Jan. 14, 1900  (J. F. Hesemann, visiting pastor)?


Wilhelmine H. L. Fick
1901  (Pastor Jacob Appel)Augusta Brandenberg (Sakewitz)                 Otto Krueger (son of August)

Paul Brandenberg                                            Richard Krueger

Otto Eulenfeld                                                  Paul Krueger (son of August)

Mary Fritz (Anderson)                                    Albert Luedtke

Paul Kirsche                                                      Bertha Luedtke (Steger)

Frank Krueger (son of Carl)                           Elfrieda Matthys (Teichelman)

Herman Krueger (son of Carl)                      Clara Schonerstedt (Fleischer)

Immanuel Krueger                                          Otto Schonerstedt

Otto Krueger (son of Carl)
June 1, 1902  (Pastor Reinhold Schubert- 1902-1903)Herman Becker

Amada Belz (Roeske)

Mrs. Max Kirschke

Louise Teichelman (Mundkowsky-Kriel)

Paul Teichelman

Bertha Toellener (Appel)
May 12, 1903Fritz Teichelman A.E. Wendland
1905Agnes Belz (Kuhl)                                            Emma Krueger (Wendland)

Bertha Brandenburg (Nehring)                     Herman A. Krueger (August)

John Dollinger                                                  Louise Krueger (Kruse)

Hattie Herbst                                                    Martha Krueger (Rundberg)

Annie Krueger                                                  Arthur Pfluger

Arthur Krueger (son of Carl)
June 3,1906  (Pastor Simon Zettner)Clara

Lillie Krueger (Daughter of Paul & Emily (Bohls)

Krueger Ida Teichelman (Meyer)

Mary Teichelman (Druesdow)

Ed Zucknick
1907 (Pastor Simon Zettner)Elsie Albert (Benefiel)

Hayden Albert

August Albert (Buck)

Charlie Brandenburg

Alma Buetow (Schiede)

Ella Teichelman (Munch)
May 3, 1908(Pastor August Dziewas – 1908-1912)

Herman Albert

Albert Buck

Eddie Buck

William Druesedow

Clara Klattenhoff

Emma Krueger (Daughter of Paul & Emily B. Krueger)
1909Hugo Belz

George Dollinger

Emma Krueger (Smith)

Lillie Krueger

Otto Krueger

Walter F. Krueger (son of August)

Annie Kruse (Tham)

Clara Mager (Heise)

Augusta Moehnke (Fuessel)

Hattie Moehnke (Melcher)

Louise Wendland (Schroeder)

Rose Wendland (Howell)

Augusta Wuethrich (Hamann)
August 9, 1911Olga Belz (Reiter)

Oscar Belz

Adolph Buetow

Alice Kirschke

Eddie Krueger (son of Carl)

Minnie Krueger (Teichelman)

Richard Krueger (son of Carl)

Robert Mueller

Betty Teichelman (Krueger)

Hedwig Tesmer (Priesmeyer)

Lena Tesmer (Krueger-Crawford)

Mary Wuethrich (Burow)
December 26, 1912Minnie Buetow (Brandenburg)

Herbert Brandenburg

Louise Groba (Zimmerman)

Annie Holman (Letterman)

Fannie Holman (Priesmeyer)

Oscar Kirsche

Alfred Krueger

Otto Kruse

Alma Lisbon

Annie Mager (Krieg)

Augusta Mager (Beyer)

Elizabeth Meister (Zschieshe)

Willie Meister

Willie Moehnke

Augusta Senkel

Walter Teichelman

Augusta Tesmer (Goetz)
April 5, 1914  (Pastor John Paul Reinhardt)Hardie Albert

Adelle Kirsch (Zuehlke)

Dora Kirsche (Nelson)

Louise Kirsche

Otto Kuehn

Gus Moehnke

Emma Schonerstedt (Decker)

John Wendland
March 26, 1916  (Pastor A. E. Hartmann)Ella Anna Groba

Walter Hadeler

Fritz Holman

Clara Krueger (Frenzel)

Thekla Krueger (Moehnke)

Oscar Karl Krueger

Augusta Lantzsch (Raesz)

Marie Helena Lantzsch

Anna Marie Moehnke

Alvin Heinrich Randig

Augusta Wendland (Tesmer)

Alex Wilhelm Wuthrich


Heinrich Winter

Wilhelmine Winter
April 1, 1917 (Pastor J. J. Weiss – 1917-1919)Alfred Hinze

Minnie Krueger (Mikus-Osteen)

Herman Zucknick

March 17, 1918

Richard Appel

August Buetow

Heinrich Moehnke

Wilhelm Randig

Frederick Teichelman

Clara Wendland

Dora Carolina Wendland

Edna Dora Wendland

May 23, 1920  (Pastor Gottlieb Rapp – 1920-1929)

*It took four teams of mules to bring Pastor Rapp’s possessions loaded on a wagon up the muddy road to Immanuel Lutheran (West Taylor).

Wilhelm Adolph Teichelman

Julius Hermann Wendland
August 17, 1919Helena Appel (Rathke)

Wilhelm Appel

Gilbert Fritz

Alvin Hinze

Hedwig Augusta Krueger (Schoener)

Bertha Lantzsch (Randig)

Alvin Moehnke

Gertrude Moehnke

Edna Randig (Becker)

Richard Randig

May 8, 1921

Walter Arthur Fritz

Anna Louise Krueger (Scharff)

Josephine Mundkowsky
May 28, 1922Louis Wilmar Anderson

Edward Appel

Lizzie Brunken (Lefler)

Anna Auguste Fritz (Walker)

Dorothea Krueger (Townsend)

Hedwig Lantzsch (Raesz)
April 13, 1924Maria Belz

Ruth Elizabeth Fritz (Burnett)

William Fritz

Alma Olga Krueger (Kerlin)

Waldemar Krueger

Albert Minzenmayer

Friedrich Moehnke

Wilhelm Tesmer

Friedrich Wuthrich

John Wuthrich

Lina Marie Wendland
April 5, 1925Edna Brunken (Bergstrom)

Velma Brunken (Walther)

Alfred Randig

November 15, 1925

Walter Harold Lynch (Adult)
April 10, 1927Rudolph Appel

Albert Belz

Dora Belz

Henry Raymond Fritz

Carl Willy Krueger

Ella Marie Krueger (Gensler)

Ewald Emanuel Krueger

Edward Lantzsch

Laura Minzenmayer

Ruben Moehnke

Rudolph Moehnke (twins)

Laura Christine Wendland

Minna Helene Wendland (Meinardus)

Walter Wendland
April 1, 1928Walter Fred Minzenmayer Frieda Adeline Lizzie Randig (Hodde)May 12, 1929Anette Appel

Onnie Louis Brunken

Elizabeth Krueger (McDannell)

Hilda Krueger (Roznovak)

Olga Agnes Krueger

Walter Lantzsch

Oscar Minzenmayer

Erna Sakewitz (Moehnke)

Roy Sakewitz
August 24, 1930  (Pastor S. A. Bogisch – 1930-31)Adults: Mr. & Mrs. Ewald KruegerMarch 29, 1931Louis Appel

George Krueger

Henry Krueger

Lydia Krueger (deceased shortly after H.S. graduation)

Elvira Tesmer (Vanacek)

Arthur Wuthrich

Haltfed Wuthrich

Helen Wuthrich (Johnson)
August 6, 1933                 Wilson Hill, PastorCarl Brandenburg

Andrew Moehnke

Elmer Sakewitz

Herbert Teichelman

Gilbert Thaler


Mrs. John (Elenora) Wuthrich – no date

Mrs. Alfred Weise – July 31,1934
June 9, 1935                          Wilson Hill, PastorArthur Appel

Leroy Brandenburg

Wesley Brunken

Mildred Burow (Zamorsky)

Leona Decker (Fritz)

Ruby Eulenfeld (Pfluger)

William Jaecks

Evelyn Krueger (Bachmeyer-Roberts)

Fred Krueger

Lorenz Krueger

Walter Krueger

Hilda Lantzsch (Hanson)

Edgar Minzenmayer

Estelle Pietzsch

Roland Teichelman

Robert Toellner

Pauline Wuthrich (Sorenson)
August 5, 1936           Wilson Hill, PastorMilton Burow

Delvin Sakewitz

June 18, 1936               Wilson Hill, Pastor


Walter Eulenfeld

Mrs. Walter Eulenfeld (Lydia Bushing)

Mrs. Alfred Randig (Lillie Rundberg)
March 21, 1937         Wilson Hill, PastorMarvin Decker

Allene Fuessel (Leschber)

Viola Teichelman (Moehnke)

Lorene Teichelman (Decker)

Alice Wuthrich (Simpson)

Harold Wuthrich

May 14, 1937             Wilson Hill, Pastor

Adult: Emmett Vanacek
July 3, 1938Karl Konzack, Pastor

His favorite scripture:  “And Jesus died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”

II Corinthians 5:15

Joe Eulenfeld

Clyde Eulenfeld

Reinh (Riney) Krueger

Ella Krueger (Kokel)

Richard H. Kruger

Immanuel Burow

Harvey Frenzel

Emanuel Lantzsch

Melvin Leschber

Raymond Preusse

Edwin Teichelman

Emery Teichelman

Berneyce Kerlin (Schmidt-Lange)

Dorothy Kruger (Krueger)

Nelda Sakewitz (Boatright)
July 10, 1938        Karl Konzack, Pastor50th anniversary of the church

April 6, 1941        Karl Konzack, Pastor

(Palm Sunday)

Mary Burow (Brooks-Leschber)

Madeline Decker (Teichelman)

Norman Fuessel

Olin Leschber

Alex Wuthrich

April 10, 1941

Adult: Mrs. Herbert (Virginia Petty) Teichelman
April 26, 1942        Karl Konzack, PastorDesygene Burow (Mueller)                                    Dorothy Moehnke

Delbert Decker                                                         Alvin Randig, Jr.

Marietta Decker (Tucek)                                       Clarence Randig

James Eulenfeld                                                      Olga Randig (Mikulencek)

Helen Krueger (Blackman)                                   Ruby Sakewitz

Elnora Leschber (Bentley)                                     Victor Stern

Carl Moehnke                                                          Dorothy Wendland (Eulenfeld)

*Due to illness, Wille Raesz, Jr., and his sister, Margaret Raesz (Borchardt) were confirmed on Pentecost, May 24, 1942.
September 17, 1944        Willard Ander, PastorDorothy Decker (Johnson)                                 Irene Moehnke (Schmidt)

Audell Jaecks (Payne)                                        Lucille Moehnke (Mokry)

Myrtle Jaecks (Gaida)                                        Eugene Mundkowsky

Bernice Krueger (Kuempel)                               Mervin Oltmann (Marvin)

Clarence Krueger                                                 Lorraine Preusse (Lehman)

Flora Krueger (Thompson)                                Edmond Raesz

Vernon Krueger                                                    Robert Raesz

Lucille Krueger (Diebel)                                      Dorothy Randig (Miklencak)

Leon Lefler                                                           Laverne Randig (Stephens)

Leon Mager                                                          Raymond Randig

Bernice Moehnke (Hollowell)                           Elvira Stern (Hooper)

Elvira Moehnke                                                   Grace Teichelman (Horsak)
June 22, 1947         Theo Krienke, PastorGrace Eulenfeld (Walker)

Robert Eulenfeld

Doris Lenz (Fuchs)

Laverne Townsend (Frase)

Albert Wendland
June 5, 1949       Theo Krienke, PastorWynnell Jaecks

Roland Krienke

Bertha Krueger (Kruse)

Jeanette Krueger (Pfluger-Fox)

Gladys Lenz (Townsend)

Vera Raesz (Anderson)

Irene Randig (Conn)

Melvin Randig

Richard Randig, Jr.

Nolan Rowald

Nadine Roznovak (Johnson)

Helen Jean Wendland (Carson)

Kenneth Wuthrich
May 21, 1950      Theo Krienke, PastorAdults:

Mrs. Willie (Elizabeth Miklencak) Raesz

Mrs. Carl Stern (Lois)

Louis Sorenson

J. B. Townsend

Frank Tucek
May 6, 1951          Theo Krienke, PastorDoris Belz (O’Rear)

Richard Belz, Jr.

Kermit Decker

Robert Krienke

Marvin Lenz

Harvey Raesz

Raymond Raesz

Charles Teichelman

Eugene Townsend

Harvey Townsend

*Ardene Wuthrich

*Pastor Wuthrich was baptized and confirmed in our church.  He served at a church in Fredericksburg and is currently retired.  At Immanuel’s 100th anniversary he was our key-note speaker and plans to preach during the 125th anniversary.
Dec. 28, 1952     Theo Krienke, PastorAdults:

Mrs. Richard (Louise) Belz

Malvine Kaatz (Artischofsky) mother of Elenora Wuthrich

Fred Klaus

Mrs. Louis (Eva Hall) Kruger

Louis Kruger

Mrs. Arthur Wuthrich (Della McDaniel)
May 24, 1953          Theo Krienke, PastorDonny Meinardus

Kenneth Moehnke

Doris Randig (Nord)
April 11, 1954         Theo Krienke, PastorCarwell Belz

Daniel Bittner

Virginia Fritz (Crunk)

Charles Hanson

Frank Kropp

David Meinardus

Benny Moehnke

Gilbert Moehnke

Joyce Moehnke

Jeanette Raesz

Eugene Randig

Kenneth Randig

Vernette Wuthrich
May 15, 1955         Theo Krienke, PastorAdult: Bobby Townsend


June 2, 1956            Theo Krienke, Pastor

Harvey Hehman

Lloyd Hehman

Ronny Meinardus

Glen Roy Moehnke

Robert Moehnke
April 14, 1957   E. A. Beye (Interim Pastor)Waldeen Bittner (Womack)

Larry Kruger

Albert Swenson

James Swenson

Shirley Teichelman (Walters)

James W. Walker, Jr.

Joyce Wendland (McFarlin)

Peggy Zieschang
October 13, 1957   Herber (Interim Pastor)Adults:

Mrs. Wm. Remmert (Stasny)

Mrs. Florene Schmidt (Grundman)

Milton H. Schmidt

Mrs. Albert (Janette French) Wendland

Mrs. Kenneth (Barbara Corbin) Wuthrich
September 11, 1958                       HerberAdults:

Bill Boatright, Sr.

Robert Eldon Hodde
Sept. 28,1958     A. E. Hartmann, Pastor70th anniversary of the church

1953 Theresa Wuthrich died

1958 Pauline Wuthrich died

(children when church was organized)
March 22, 1959      A. E. Hartmann, PastorDorothy Beyer (Fischer)

Dianna Carlson (Johnson)

Jonathan Fritz

Walter Krueger, Jr.

Janeth Meinardus (Wood)

Dienna Menk (Kieschnick)

Reuben Raesz

Jerry Wayne Roznovak
April 10, 1960       A. E. Hartmann, PastorJane Bittner

Larry Moehnke

Edward Balusek (Adult)

August 6, 1961      A. E. Hartmann, Pastor


Geo. Wm. Husemann

Mrs. Henry (Bessie) Krueger
April 15, 1962        A. E. Hartmann, PastorDavid Beyer

Cynthia Krueger

Walter G. Krueger


Mrs. Luther (Marjorie) Hartmann

Mrs. Bobby (Beverly Jonas) Hodde

Mrs. Mary Elenor Krueger
April 7, 1963          A. E. Hartmann, PastorJeanette Beyer (Jalufka)

Linda Diebel (Harvey)

Karen Lantzsch (Knight-DeWitt)

Emory Leschber

Dennis Teichelman

Evelyn Tucek (Zieschang)

Kenneth Wendland

Dianna Wuthrich

Adult:  Mrs. Mary Jane (Pabis) Moehnke
Sept. 22,1963   Rev. A. E. Hartmann75th anniversary of the church – Emma Decker, Gus Moehnke, and Hardie Albert (Class of 1914) were present and had their picture taken. Mrs. Hartman asked Clarence Mager to pick up the cake because he had a station wagon.March 22, 1964     A. E. Hartmann, PastorKaren Klaus (Turek)

Larry Leschber

Timothy Teichelman

August 16, 1964     A. E. Hartmann, Pastor

Adults:  Mrs. Daniel (Lois Lindquist) Bittner

Richard Terry Walters
April 11, 1965     A. E. Hartmann, PastorBonnie Bittner (Kaderka)

Phyllis Eulenfeld (Schneider)

Linda Hannes

Laura Krueger (Hanson)

Debra Moehnke (Rinderknecht)

Douglas Moehnke

Herbert Raesz

Larry Raesz

Nov. 21, 1965     A. E. Hartmann, Pastor

Ric Gordon (Adult)
April 3, 1966    A. E. Hartmann, PastorVictoria Balusek

Emily Fritz (Simons)

Deborah Klaus (Rohlack)

Marion Tucek (Spiller)

Oct. 30, 1966   A. E. Hartmann, Pastor

Lonnie Knight (Adult)

March 19, 1967     A. E. Hartmann, Pastor

Brenda Kruger (Sladek)

Nancy Lantzsch (Werchan)

Rebecca Teichelman (Borgne)
June 2, 1968     W. A. Flachmeier, PastorDonna Bittner (Rinehart)

Donna Grabbs (Matthews)

Susan Husemann

Arnold Raesz

Jonathan Raesz

Nathan Roznovak

Randall Tucek

Betty Ann Wuthrich (Cruz)

David Wuthrich

1968      W. A. Flachmeier, Pastor

Mrs. Larry (Deborah Laurence) Moehnke – Adult
May 25, 1969     W. A. Flachmeier, PastorGordon Balusek

Dale Moehnke

Linda Mundkowsky (Roznovak)

Sharon Walther (Morris)



Larry Helbert

Mrs. Alfred (Annie Stiba) Krueger

Dalton Pugh
June 21, 1970    Rev. W. A. Flachmeier*, Rev. H. C. Ziehe, Rev. E. Herber (confirmed this class)Rev. Flachmeier suffered a heart attack and remained our Pastor until he was able to retire. Pastors Ziehe and Herber filled in for Pastor Flachmeier.

David Hollowell                                   Myron Menk

Jesse Husemann                                  Michael Raesz

Gary Klaus                                            Rebecca Raesz (Steffek)

Mark Krueger                                       Roxana Teichelman

Mark Mager

August 28, 1971

Adult:  Dennis Werchan
Nov. 14, 1971       Robert Schlortt, PastorDavid Bittner

Michael Hollowell

Ricky Kruger

Deborah Walther (Foster)
April 8, 1973        Robert Schlortt, PastorAdults:  Ricky Deaver

Orby Gene Hollowell

Mrs. Arnold (Syble O’Banon) Raesz

Carol Wuthrich
April 15, 1973      Robert Schlortt, PastorRenee Calder

Carol Ann Hollowell (Pitts)

Dennis Mundkowsky

Dec. 9, 1973       Robert Schlortt, Pastor

Mrs. Dale (Connie Wade) Moehnke

Kathleen Grabs (Parker)
February 3, 1974   Robert Schlortt, PastorGloria House (adult)


January 26, 1975    Robert Schlortt, Pastor


Larry Glover

Alta Mae Glover

Mrs. Larry (Pam Odem) Leschber

Mrs. Mike (Brenda Victor) Raesz
October 5, 1975    Robert Schlortt, PastorFloyd Glover

Brenda Hollowell

Debra Kaiser

Laurie Meinardus

William Gus Moehnke (Bill)

Cheryl Wuthrich (Browning)

James Wuthrich
June 27, 1976          Robert Schlortt, PastorRandall Parker Tricia Latham Sheppard
March 27, 1977   Larry Swidzinski, PastorAdults:

Margaret Borgne

Wesley Borgne

Kathy Fuhrman

Scott Fuhrman

Mrs. John (Carol Stauffer) Raesz

Ignacie Rodriquez
March 19, 1978   Larry Swidzinski, PastorTeresa Frietag

Billy Hodde

Brian Latham

Ronnie Mundkowsky

Alan Wuthrich


June 1978           Larry Swidzinski, Pastor

Shannon Sutton (Adult)
May 20, 1979      Larry Swidzinski, PastorBarbara Hodde (Parker) Clayton WaltherMarch 30, 1980   Larry Swidzinski, PastorAdults:

Barbara Johle

Gary Johle

Ralph Johle

Mrs. Gary (Sharon Pyle) Klaus

Sunday School building was dedicated on October 5, 1980.
April 12, 1981     Larry Swidzinski, PastorJeffrey Beran

Lou Ann Frietag

Karen Hollowell

Carl Krueger

Timothy Kruger

Kevin McFarlin

Christopher Parker

Jeffrey Roznovak

Brian Wendland

Oct. 11, 1981 Larry Swidzinski, Pastor

Mrs. Ricky (Cheryl Williams) Kruger
April 4, 1982      Larry Swidzinski, PastorVonna Gordon (Wolfe)

Connie Krueger (Boerner)

Kevin Randig
May 22, 1983       Larry Swidzinski, PastorDeanna Beran

Vanessa Eulenfeld

Paul House

Dawn Meinardus

Clayton Stiba
May 20, 1984      Larry Swidzinski, PastorAdults:

John Boyd

Molly Boyd
May 14, 1985       Larry Swidzinski, PastorChristopher Fritz

Terry Gordon

Randy Stiba

Cindy Wendland (Barringer)
Dedication of Stained Glass windows on October 26, 1986.
April 12, 1987         Paul Geye, PastorAnissa Beran (Lopez) David John Wuthrich, Jr.June 12, 1988            Paul Geye, Pastor100th anniversary of the church


October 30,1988            Paul Geye, Pastor

Melanie Pugh
May 14, 1989        Paul Geye, PastorBradley Beran                              Donald Leschber

Brett Beran                                   Michelle Raesz

David Fritz                                    Shaun Raesz

Tobias Geye                                 Teri Raesz (Hoffman)

Kevin Kruse                                  Travis Stiba

Chris Leschber
May 19, 1991      Mariola Bergquist, PastorTeri Adams

Bethany Fritz (Grissom)

Kari Kruse (Raesz)

Ryan Pugh

Steven Raesz

Brandon Roznovak
April 18, 1993    Mariola Bergquist, PastorKelly Hewitt (McElmurry)

Suzy Krueger Dyer

Ronny Leschber

Trish Leschber

Kurt Rinehart
May 22,1994      Mariola Bergquist, PastorJonathan Kruse John Scott RaeszMay 28, 1995      Mariola Bergquist, PastorJustin Klaus

Telisha Raesz (Richardson)

Brittany Schernik

Historical Marker Dedication – April 23, 1995
Oct. 27, 1996                   Bill Jones, PastorLindsay Kruger (Gosnell) Ran WendlandMarch 23, 1997               Bill Jones, PastorStephen Emmick

Jimmy Hollowell

Kimberly Klaus (Bolz)

Kristin Mundkowsky (Trevino)

Sarah Raesz (Degenhardt)

Lacie Ruemke (Schernik)

Luke Schernik
June 14, 1998                Bill Jones, Pastor1l0th anniversary of the churchMarch 28, 1999               Bill Jones, PastorJennifer Johle (Taylor) Adam Kruger
May 7, 2000            Gordon Albers, Int. PastorDerrick Mundkowsky Nolanna EmmickApril 29, 2001        Gordon Albers, Int. PastorTracie Kruger (Johnson) Meghan Schernik
May 19, 2002                  Steve Best, PastorRebecca Rinehart Mark JohleMay 9, 2004                         Steve Best, PastorBrian Mundkowsky

Shane Mundkowsky

Raelyn Wahrmund Hall

Shelby Wahrmund
May 20, 2007               Jack (PJ) Bohls, PastorElizabeth Sengler Hannah BeranApril 20, 2008                Jack (PJ) Bohls, Pastor120th anniversary of the church

May 11, 2008               Jack (PJ) Bohls, Pastor

Sarah Beran

Avery Martin

Remodel of the Sunday School bldg. dedication – November 8, 2009.
May 15, 2011               Jack (PJ) Bohls, PastorHunter Sager

May 22, 2011               Jack (PJ) Bohls, Pastor

McKenzie Decker
May 20, 2012               Jack (PJ) Bohls, PastorChandee Bachmeyer April 28, 2013 – 125th anniversary of the church

If you are aware of any omissions or inaccuracies, please contact us.

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